A lifetime of industrious activity spent among the scents of wood sums up Angelo Baù's past, present and future. It is a fine-quality, versatile wood that is transformed by expertly skilled hands in the workshops of the factory at Via degli Alpini in Belvedere di Tezze sul Brenta into furniture of unmistakeable quality and style.
The entrepreneurial spirit that characterizes Angelo Baù is the same spirit that made him decide all those years ago, as a young man of 23, to stop working for a boss, as he had done since he was a boy, and to start up his own business. It was a gamble he took with the world and above all with himself, which began in a shed in Campagnari di Tezze and continued in the cellar under his house: they were makeshift places, but also well-suited to his purpose of assembling furniture and increasing production year by year.
In 1975 he moved to Belvedere di Tezze where, thanks to his sacrifice and hard work, the furniture company grew non-stop until it became what it is today. The financial success the company has reached stands as proof of the value it has invested in interpersonal relationships throughout its lifetime.
If you go to meet Signor Angelo, you will find the same "lad" of many years ago, offering a smile, a handshake and a genuine willingness to do all he can for his customers.